Access physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

ISIS is a holistic health care practice whose treatments aim to achieve effective well-being without medication or side effects.

ISIS offers a range of therapies to get to the source of physical, mental or spiritual pain, and provides the solution that will treat you in depth.

About me

As a multi-dimensional intuitive channel, I connect with information from your energy field and beyond to guide you on your life path and healing journey, and to give you the keys and solutions you need to move forward with confidence and make informed

I have access to higher spheres of consciousness, enabling me to perceive different timelines and receive messages through different subtle channels. My clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairesentience and claircognizance abilities, among others, are gateways to parallel realities, from which I bring back answers to your questions to guide you on your path.


Guidance can help you with :

  • Emotional challenges,
  • Life changes,
  • Period of transition,
  • Grief,
  • Divorce,
  • Burn-out,
  • Spiritual awakening journey...

My mission

My mission is to accompany anyone experiencing emotional, mental or physical difficulties that affect their personal, professional or social well-being and fulfillment.


My goal:

To guide you on the path to healing, on a physical, emotional and spiritual level, with a holistic and multi-dimensional approach.